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DALL-E, A First Pass

I just got access to the DALL-E beta, and I basically spent a night with some friends exploring different prompts. Here are some of my favorites. Note this will be an image-heavy post and may take a moment to load.

What is DALL-E

DALL-E is a transformer model from OpenAI, that takes in text and generates images related to the text. It’s currently being rolled out to public access, and you can apply to be on the waitlist here.

Two Birds playing Chess

Here are the four images you get when you use the prompt “Two birds playing chess”

If you zoom in on one, you start to see the AI weirdness DALL-E (and other AI text-> image programs) are known for. For example, the bird’s legs lack any fine detail and, in some cases, lack any detail at all.

Tesla Made out of Hearts

This was honestly the most impressive result of the night for me

Images one and three are both very clearly Tesla Model-S’ and DALL-E absolutely nailed the headlights.


Here’s what DALL-E produced for the prompt “DALL-E”. Now, we’re just getting meta. Yea, I can’t explain this one either, and I especially can’t explain image 3, which appears to be a bowl full of spotted turtle cereal.

Declaration of Independence

One thing I have avoided till now is text-heavy images because DALL-E really struggles with text.

Like it gets the vibe of the “Declaration of Independence” but even though the word is in the prompt, no spelling of “Independence” is correct. When I ask for a “page of text,” it gives me something similar.

A bicycle made of pizza

Back to the surreal with a “bicycle made of pizza”

Overall Impression

This is cool, really cool! If you had asked me a year ago what the state of text -> images would be, I would not have predicted that it would be this good, this quick.  Additionally, the open nature of exploring DALL-E from a text box while sharing the results with some friends over a messaging app was honestly a lot more of a social experience than I expected. Good Job OpenAI team! (Also, if you have a prompt you want me to try out, leave it in the comments, and if I get enough of them, I’ll do a second round of DALL-E posts)

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