
My current and past research topics

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A selection of projects I have worked on

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Exploring a nonlinear world one assumption at a time

Designing Multiple Missed Thrust Event Resilient Trajectories using Virtual Swarms

Note: This post is adapted from my conference paper, which was presented at the 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference. You can read the full paper here. Abstract Low-thrust propulsion is an enabling factor for the next generation of deep space missions. Unfortunately, their limited thrust capabilities render long-duration thrusting arcs necessary. Any interruption to the thrust…

black and white photo of human hand and robot hand

Free Idea: Detecting GPT-3 Plagiarism, with GPT-3?

Note: These ideas are worth what you pay for them. GPT-3 Enabled Plagarism Every few months there’s a new set of handwringing over plagiarism  enabled by GPT-3. It’s been two years so that handwringing has even reached philosophy departments. Sarcastically, a voice inside me said “EZ, Just use GPT-3 to detect plagiarism”. Then, another voice inside me,…

An Introduction to NASA’s CAPSTONE Mission

Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment NASA’s CAPSTONE mission is a whole deep-space tech demonstrator packed into approximately 730 cubed inches. Even its acronym, CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment), does a whole lot in a small space. From leading our return to the moon to demonstrating exciting…

books in black wooden book shelf

My Grad School Stats and Unsolicited Advice

Earlier this year I (successfully!) defended my dissertation titled “Design of Missed Thrust Resilient Trajectories Using Expected Thrust Fraction” and have now obtained my Doctorate of Philosophy. As, could have been expected, my dissertation was on Expected Thrust Fraction (Theory of Expected thrust fraction, an application to Mars Sample Return and Solar Sailing) Dissertation Abstract  “Low-thrust…