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High Power Rocketry

High power rocketry (HPR) is defined by NFPA 1127 but I’ll refer to it here as any rocket with an H motor or higher (>160 Newtons seconds of impulse). We can again split HPR into 3 catagories, level 1, level 2, and level 3. Level 1 uses and allows you to purchase H and I class motors. Level 2 allows for J,K, and L class motors. Level 3 allows for M,N, and O motors.

Level 1

I have built two level one rockets. The first I built and launched sophomore year. The flight up was nominal but I set the delay too long and the ejection charge blew too late. This caused the parachute to deploy at too high of a speed jerking the rocket. The ripcord ripped a three inch tare down the body tube of the rocket. This is colloquially called zippering  because the straight tare down the body of the rocket looks like someone unzipped the body tube. This failure means that I would have to build a new rocket and attempt my certification flight again.

The second rocket that I built was in Junior year. It had the same main design but slightly larger fins. This flight went nominally, the delay and ejection charge went off at the correct time, and the rocket was recovered ~ a quarter of a mile away from the launch pad.

Photo of me setting up my Level 1 on the launch rail

Recovery of the second level 1 rocket

Both Level 1 cert rockets

Level 2

L-2 Fin can

I am currently constructing a rocket for my level 2 certification.

Current stage:

More photos to follow soon.




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