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Introducing Space Bot

Does your Twitter feed not have enough space in it?

Introducing Space Bot

A new twitter bot dedicated to all things space.

A Ground Track Generated by Space Bot

What Space Bot Does So Far

Note: Just because the objects are the likeliest to collide, does not mean a collision is either imminent or likely. Space is big and these objects are often very small and stay far away from each other.

What SpaceBot Can’t Do

What I May Implement in the Future

Note: If you have a good idea for what I should implement into SpaceBot let me know in the comments below!


This bot is made up of 2 components. The python scripts which physically make up the bot (they get the TLE’s, make the plots, upload stuff to twitter) and the scheduling portion which is just a batch script. The satellite data for the ground track plots is gotten from  and the likeliest collisions is scrapped off of

The Pyhton scripts can be found here.

I will not be posting the batch script as it’s only three lines, most of it pathing.

What is a Ground Track?

A ground track is the path a spacecraft traces out if it was projected down onto the surface of the Earth. It helps satellite planners see where the spacecraft will be relative to the Earth surface which is extremely important if it’s a communication or imaging satellite.

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