If your twitter feed does not have enough outer space in it, try following Space Bot (@gndtrkbot), a new twitter bot dedicated to all things space.

What Space Bot Does So Far

  • Plots ground tracks for random objects in space
  • What happened today for a deep space object at some point in the past.
  • Plots periodic orbits about Lagrange points in the Earth Moon system

Note: Just because the objects are the likeliest to collide, does not mean a collision is either imminent or likely. Space is big and these objects are often very small and stay far away from each other.

What SpaceBot Can’t Do

  • Open the pod bay doors

What I May Implement in the Future

  • When the next space launch is
  • People currently in space
  • CR3BP Trajectories
  • NASA imagery – that’s not Nasa Image of the Day
  • Current weather on mars
  • etc…

Note: If you have a good idea for what I should implement into SpaceBot let me know!

Depreciated Features

Spacebot is not permanent; features will come and go.

  • Shows the two objects likeliest to collide that day, as well as when their closest approach will be. This feature will not be leaving twitter though, as it’s finding a new home on the SOSTC twitter account.

Why & How?

There’s a lot of cool space API’s out there and a lack of nerdy space-related twitter bots. Additionally, this provides a fun venue for projects which can be run and visualized autonomously so it doenst just end after a single blog post.

The scripts that run the account can be found here.