Stability of the Lagrange Points – Three Body Problem

Recap of Lagrange Points In the circular restricted three body problem, there are a set of 5 points that if we place our spacecraft there, it’ll never move relative to the two bodies. These are called the Lagrange points and are the only equilibrium points for the system. Whenever we find an equilibrium point in…

Chaos and the Double Pendulum

Chaos I’ve recreated one of my favorite mathematical demonstrations below.  Three double pendulums, all starting with near identical initial conditions, all rapidly diverging. I love this demonstration because it’s such a great example of chaotic dynamics. What is Chaos? Chaotic dynamics, in a nutshell, means that a system is extremely sensitive to initial conditions. That…

A Sample Path to Grad School

So You’re Thinking about Graduate School I got into graduate school this year, and a lot of friends in their sophomore and junior year keep asking me about the process. I figure if so many people in real life are asking me about grad school, people online would probably also benefit from hearing about the…